Monday, March 8, 2010

weather or not solc day 8

I took out my hand me down, beat up Canon today and finally uploaded some photos I'd taken over the winter. How long ago were these taken? I recognized the images but struggled with the when. Finally realized some were from late November. Some were from last month.

On December 18th I took this picture of the woods in my back yard. Gorgeous.

It was but an inkling of what would become a two foot plus covering of snow in our area of Virginia. If you live in the US you may have heard about how we got socked on national news. The white stuff came so quickly that day my gloves barely had time to shrivel and dry between shovelings. I'd forgotten how white everything was until I uploaded this image today.

A few days after this storm my family left for a holiday trip. We went someplace warm. We'd only vacationed once in the winter to try skiing. We are usually summer vacationers. When we made plans for the trip we thought maybe it would be a good idea to be someplace warm in December, never realizing it would be a really, really good idea. In a matter of hours we slid between these two extremes of weather. Happily so.

I loved this little flashback today.


Stacey said...

That's some gorgeous backyard you have when it's snowy!

Bree said...

Nice! I love both photos - snow or sand. Lucky you to be able to experience both back-to-back.

Anonymous said...

I love your photos. I also took some pictures of our street immediately after the snow. It looked like a winter wonderland.

Leah said...

There's joy to be taken in both scenes, but what a difference! I'll take Option B, please.

Kendra Bonnett said...

Thanks for sharing the photos. I know what you mean about the snow in Virginia. I drove back from Texas up I-81 between the two big February snows. It was amazing. So will you be a regular winter vacationeer now? Thanks for the Slice.