I'm trying to remember how I taught before our school went to a modified calendar (i.e. year round school) almost eight years ago. I'm on spring break this week which will be followed by two more weeks of break before we go back for fourth quarter. Report cards are done for my third graders and sent home for third quarter. I have a fresh start in a few weeks. I have some real time to recover my sense of humor and my sense of self. I have time to think thoughts. More importantly I have a chance to look at each student with a fresh look and give them a fresh start. I brought home learner profile cards I keep for each student. I want to refresh and add to the
portrait of them. I want to look again at the profiles based on a self-assessment students did on the Renzulli Learning site. I hope to better address their learning styles and preferences and see how they may have changed over the last quarter. I hope to look at my instructional practice and see where I can work in a little more technology and a lot more choice. I want to look at the learning objectives in each content area and see what I've missed to date. I want to look at the units left to teach and be sure I have good assessments of the formative and and a few of the summative, ilk. How the heck did I do it before without this extended reflection time?
That's an excellent question to keep pondering.
Sounds like you're being very productive on your vacation! :)
Wow! You've got some great plans for your vacation (and for your students after vacation). Good luck as you work through the planning and thinking!
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